Implicit integration methods

Now that we have our implicit scheme, we must solve the linear system. While the resolution itself is not that difficult, the problem is that the system is very large : suppose our cloth is defined by 2500 nodes. The system then has 7500 equations. That means we have to store a 7500x7500 matrix, and then solve the system !
Fortunately, the matrix is sparse. That is, only few values are not zero. This property is very important. First, we can save some memory space by storing only the non-zero values, and secondly we can use a special iterative method to solve the linear system : the conjugate gradient. This iterative method is designed to exploit the sparsity property. It uses only vector-matrix products. Obviously, the matrix-vector product implementation exploit the sparsity described before.

To resume
  • Strong points

    - stable whatever the chosen time step
    - high spring constants allowed

  • Weak points

    - storing a big matrix
    - solving a linear system
    - real-time execution difficul to obtain

All rights reseverd to Roque Marie, Parle Thomas, Reboul Alexandre, Tornieri Christophe